Flaviar - Gin Tasting

A little while ago an email landed in my inbox about Flaviar, a subscription service that offers monthly tasting boxes and exclusive private bottles of the finest spirits. When asked if I would like to review this said service, of course I had to say yes!

Flaviar review

I was sent a tasting pack of three different gins and it was love at first sight. The branding and packaging of Flaviar is absolutely beautiful, I almost don't want to drink it!

I have to say that when it comes to spirits I'm usually a Whiskey on ice kind of girl and have never actually tried gin on its own before so it was quite an interesting experience!

flaviar gin tasting box

Thankfully, they've sent instructions oh how to achieve the perfect tasting experience which allowed me to really appreciate the complex flavours of the gins.

The three gins I received were:

Filliers Dry Gin 28

I found this gin quite smooth and sweet. It was rather gentle and mild in flavour. Unfortunately I'm no gin expert so I wouldn't be able to tell you all of the hidden aromas and flavours but it did seem quite citrusy. I think this is my favourite gin out of the three and I would happily drink it again and again.

Hans Reisetbauer Blue Gin

The nose (smell) of this gin is very distinctive and stands out from the other two. It's smells very herbal and fresh. It uses 27 different botanicals
It's very sharp on the tongue and leaves a lingering tingling sensation on the tongue long after it has been swallowed. Personally this is my least favourite out of the three gins and I think it would be great in cocktails but it's a little too sharp to be drank straight.

Sipsmith London Dry Gin

The nose of this gin seems to be quite gentle and sweet but still very aromatic. I think it's somewhat like a middleground gin between the other two in terms of it's sharpness and sweetness. It's refreshing and orangey and I think it would be perfect for a summers cocktail.

Flaviar gin tasting

There's actually a cocktail that Flaviar recommend to have with it which I think sounds delicious! See the recipe below.

Bee's Knees
Honey and ginger combine for a refreshing and zingy gin sour. Balance - the perfect parity of sweet and sour - is key here, so all the ingredients mesh without any one flavour dominating.

- 1 1/2 ounces / 50 ml of Dry Gin
- 3/4 ounce / 25 ml of strained, freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 3/4 ounce / 25 ml of honey syrup (1/2 cup warm water mixed with 1/2 cup honey, acacia or wildflower)
- orange twist, for garnish

1. Combine the gin, lemon juice, and honey syrup in a cocktail shaker, fill the shaker three-quarters full with ice cubes,and shake vigorously until thoroughly chilled, 15 seconds.
2. Strain into a martini glass and garnish with the orange twist.

Overall, I have to say that I'm really impressed the drinks and Flaviar service, it seems like a very exclusive and sophisticated club to be a part of, so much so that currently they even have a waiting list!
*I was sent this product to review but as always all opinions are 100% my own.*

Until next time,

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