Super Power Smoothies

Good Morning!

Over the last year I have tried to make an effort to eat more Green. Which lets be honest isn't always easy, (especially when the cafe at work sell Kettle crisps). 

One sure way to make sure you get all of the super power benefits of fruits and veggies is by making and drinking smoothies!

They take literally 5 minutess to make and you can easily get up to 3 of your 5 a day in just one glass.

Up until about a month ago I always stuck to fruit smoothies. The green vegetable smoothies kind of freaked me out a bit and I'm sure I'm not alone on this one.

However since I have experimented with the two recipes below my outlook on green smoothies and spinach has forever changed. They are simply Delicious.

Leeds German Christmas Market

Hello there lovelies,

I am pleased to announce that I have made my annual trip (or three) to the Leeds German Christmas Market which means only one thing...Christmas season is officially open!

My favourite thing about winter is Christmas and my favourite thing about Christmas is Food and the German Market.


5 Reasons Why You Need To Drink Cocoa

The days are quickly getting shorter and our nights are getting colder. There is nothing quite like a hot drink as soon as you get home and out of the cold.

Lazy Happy Saturday

Hello lovelies!
The weather has been mega miserable all day in Leeds today. Rainy, windy, cold. Pretty soon after I woke up I decided that there was no chance I was going to leave the flat today, especially after enduring a full night out with only my antibiotics, water and caffeine to keep me going.
Hello Lazy Happy Sunday Saturday!

My day has been filled with beautiful chilled music The Album Leaf - In a safe place and múm - Finally We Are No One ) scented candles and burning incense whilst I've been catching up with some blog reading, social media drinking lots of cacao.

For those of you who are here for the first time my blog it's still very fresh ( ahem new) and I have been so pleasantly surprised how lovely and supportive my friends and other bloggers have been! I have wanted to start a blog for so long but always lacked the confidence/motivation/time to do it and the feedback I've been getting has been a great little push to keep going, creating and sharing! 
Some blogs which have inspired me this week in three words:

Captivating. Honest. Fun.

Vintage. Fashion. Want.

Beautiful. Fresh. Delicious.

I hope you have a great Saturday whether it's lazy or cocktail fueled! 

Till next time, Dei x


Summer Begs To Stay

Hello lovelies, this weekend I went to London to visit my best friend Julija and
oh boy was it hot! It felt like one last little push of summer weather before the winter comes. We walked until we couldn't walk any more, talked, explored and took some pictures at Battersea Park which is really really lovely! If you get a chance, take a stroll there.

Julija Wears:
Sunglasses - Rayban
Shoes - Converse
Shirt - Uniqlo
Jeans - Frame
Cardigan - Vintage Find
I'm Wearing:
Blazer - Zara
Top - Primark
Trousers - No idea, mama found em for me
Boots - New Look

Till next time! Dei x
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