Leeds Indie Food Festival 2016 & Cocktails in the city

Since I’ve come back from my USA roadtrip (about which I will be writing about soon I promise) I’ve had a case of the holiday blues. Since I’ve been back to England the weather has been pretty awful, we even had snow at the end of April! However, there has been a few things that have really helped to keep my holiday blues at bay and that’s been trying out some awesome new bars and restaurants and attending Leeds cocktails in the city and having Leeds indie food festival to look forward to.

Cocktails in the city happened over two days in Leeds town hall. The Town hall is such a majestic location too, very suitable for an evening filled with cocktails. All of the best bars in Leeds had cocktail stalls all under one roof and it was great! There was also cocktail demonstrations and master classes going on which were not only incredibly delicious but also very entertaining. 
I absolutely loved Cocktails in the city and can’t wait for next year!

photo credit : Carl Sukonik

Leeds Indie food festival ( #Liff16) is back and takes place from 12th to 30th of May and has events and workshops spanning across 80 venues all over the city. 
I got invited to the launch evening a few weeks ago, where I learned that this massive food festival is run by just a few people who are very passionate about food and Leeds.
Food is one of my greatest loves in life, I love cooking, I love eating and I love trying new things. Leeds Indie food festival is absolutely perfect for this. 
I attended  Leeds Feast last year and it was one of my absolute favourite events of the year.
This year just some of the events I hope to attend are The Victorian Dining table because it sounds awesome! North Star Home Brew Masterclass because lets be honest good coffee just makes life better and City of Cake because it just sounds incredible and I can't wait to see it.

Until next time,
You can also find me in all of these places, come say hi!


  1. I am so excited that it's LIF time again! Can't wait to eat ALLLLLLL the food x
    Sophie Cliff

  2. I love food festivals and LIF looks fab! The only ones I have been to have been outdoor, which isn't great with the unpredictably cold weather in the North East at the moment. I always find that food festivals are a great excuse for drinking alcohol before midday ;) x


  3. These both events sound amazing and like so much fun! I would love to attend LIF one day. I enjoy festivals way too much, especially the food ones, haha x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  4. Ahh I've just found your blog today. I'm so glad!! I love Leeds so much, it's difficult to find bloggers based there. I'm from Manchester myself but my boyfriend & I are planning a trip to Leeds soon for a day. I'm going to go through many of your posts now and scribble down ideas ^_^

    Katie | Words By Katie

    1. Oh gosh, I can't believe I'm only discovering this comment now! Thank you so much lovely :)


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