All About That Juice

A little while ago I was invited to a really awesome event called #currysintrojuicing. The event was focused on healthy living through Juicing and Yoga.

It was held at Lambert's Yard which is a very beautiful rustic location above a clothes shop! It has a New York style art gallery/bar feel to it and lots of character.

Lamberts Yard

The event itself was organised by the Joe Blogs team. We were split up into different teams and we had a schedule for everything! They certainly did a fabulous job.

We were greeted with some tasty shots of Juice to get our taste buds warmed up for the day ahead.
Fresh Juice

There were 5 different activity stations.

The first one me and my group of blogger babes got to try was that the Juice Station.

We were presented with a glorious amount of fresh fruit to choose from and we were given the freedom to experiment with our own juice concoctions.


Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

Almond Milk

Fresh Strawberries

Pineapples Raspberries

Fresh Limes

My first recipe wasn't very good because I put WAY too much lime in it so I won't share that with you.

My second attempt, however, was really tasty (and of course super healthy too)!

  • Two Apples
  • A handful of Raspberries
  • A couple of Strawberries
  • Two Carrots

Totally proud of my efforts in the picture below.

Lifestyle blogger

Lifestyle blogger

Fresh Juice

India was rather proud of her outcome too.

Lifestyle blogger

By the time we were done the table looked like this, India Benjamin and I had a little accident. Perhaps next time Joe Blogs will be supervising more...


After this we had a taster session of Rocket Yoga. I must say I had never heard of Rocket Yoga so when we were given the choice of doing normal yoga or Rocket Yoga, I chose the latter thinking hey how hard can it be?

Rocket Yoga

Turns out very. As you can see Holly is having a slightly better time than me! Picture by Jenny. Yoga sessions were run by the brilliant Amanda from Yoga Elementz.

yoga event

Sarah from whatsasssays is in the

Rocket Yoga is like normal yoga, but a lot faster and therefore more intense.
I really, really enjoyed it, and the relaxation afterwards was absolutely amazing.
I thought, hey I'm not gonna be able to relax with another 40 people buzzing around the room, but then the instructor Amanda came over and put a scented lavender bag over my eyes and I swear just like magic all of my tension melted away.

Lifestyle blog

After that we got to experiment with making Juice Mocktails.

Me and Jenny volunteered to create some juicy goodness for everyone. In all honesty, I completely improvised, but it actually tasted pretty good!

Lifestyle blogger

Lifestyle blogger

Next up we enjoyed some delicious soup and had a chat! Me and Tamara from the Tofu Diaries bonded over our love of cats and the fact that both of us have an Instagram account dedicated to them (don't judge).

Last but not least was the Nutritionist station. She shared some of her fabulous recipes and told us about the best health supplements to add to the juice to get that extra zing

Tea pigs Matcha Powder being one of them.

I didn't know how much we were supposed to add and overdid it a little, so lets just say I had a
alot of energy after the event. 

The beautiful Curry's juicer which is now officially on my wish list.

Lifestyle blogger

I had an absolute banger of a time, thank you Joe Blogs for inviting me!

Till next time,
Dei x



  1. Aww this is lovely and I had such a great day too. The juicing was great to get to know more about too. Lovely to meet you hunny and thanks for the photo credit. :) lol

    1. Thanks for reading Jenny! It was such a good day :)

  2. Sounds like you had a great time! It was a great event and I can't believe how many of us actually managed to squeeze into the premises! Also so many new faces! I've blogged about it on my site Mode Lily if you fancy a read.

    Dash xx
    Mode Lily

    1. I know there really was so many of us there! All of the juices were so tasty, I felt healthier after I left than when I walked in haha I will make sure to check it out! x

  3. Lovely post and great pics from the event! I had such a good time - didn't get chance to meet you but hopefully will at the next one! :) I may have to try out your smoothie recipe btw - anything with strawberries in and i'm there! :)

    Gabby xo

    Blog - What She Buys / Instagram / Twitter

    1. Thanks so much for reading this Gabriella and for taking the time to comment! Yea my first recipe was a disaster, but I got there in the end!! Hopefully we will meet soon :)

  4. Aw I love this post!! Such a fun day :) Can't wait for sunday!!

    Sarah xxx

    1. That for checking it out Sarah :) Excited to see you and the girls tomorrow xx


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